What will you learn in this VHDL course?
- Get adept at the various modeling styles for implementing digital logic using VHDL.
- Implement common combinational and synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits using VHDL.
- Write test benches to verify the design.
What is the target of this course?
This course is part of the VLSI track. We have designed this track to equip learners with the basic demands and requirements of entry-level jobs/internships in the field of frontend or backend VLSI design.
Are there any software or hardware requirements for this course?
Yes. For software, we strongly recommend Vivado. It is a heavy programming environment but at the same time, it is a standard one. In addition to that, you can also use it for FPGA prototyping. If you are not comfortable with Vivado, you can opt for GHDL, an open-source simulator with support for up to the 2002 IEEE 1076 VHDL standard.
For hardware, it is optional to use an FPGA board for this course. If you’d like to use one to adopt a more hands-on approach, we recommend the Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA board, or the Altera Cyclone II mini-FPGA board, or the Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA development board.
Are there any pre-requisites for this course?
- Digital Electronics
- Semiconductors
How many quizzes are there in this course?
What’s the course structure like?
- Syntax and design elements
- Different modeling styles
- Dataflow modeling
- Behavioral modeling
- Structural modeling
- Operators
- How to write a testbench?
- Verilog coding of digital circuits
- Logic gates
- Multiplexers
- Demultiplexers
- Encoder
- Priority Encoder
- Decoders
- Comparators
- Flip-flops
- Counters
- Shift-registers
- Adders
- Subtractors
- Quiz 1
- Certification test (Coming soon)
I would like to suggest some topics to be covered, how can I do that?
You can visit the contact page linked in the footer of this webpage. Just select “Suggest Topics” from the subject dropdown menu of the form, mention the course and why you think your suggestion makes sense to be part of the curriculum.