Digital Logic Design and Digital Electronics Course

Course content

Digital Number Systems And Base Conversions

When we design digital systems, we frequently deal with number systems apart from binary. Let’s take a look at hexadecimal, decimal and octal number systems.

Boolean Algebra – All the Laws, Rules, Properties and Operations

Since binary is a language in its own way, it is governed by some laws. These laws fall under Boolean Algebra. These are simple rules that you need to follow to perform operations on binary data. A must for every digital electronics course.

Binary Arithmetic – All rules and operations

As the name implies, binary arithmetic deals with the rules governing the arithmetic operations on binary digits in the binary number system.

Sequential and Combinational logic circuits – Types of logic circuits

There are two main types of digital logic circuits in digital electronics. Combinational and sequential logic circuits are found in every digital device around you. Let’s take a look at what these digital circuits are and what they comprise.

Logic Gates using NAND and NOR universal gates

We kick off our digital electronics course with these essential digital components. The basic building blocks of the digital world are logic gates. They are used to implement Boolean logic which is the crux of all digital operations.

Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor & Full Subtractor

Arithmetic combinational circuits are the norm in modern ICs. In this post, we will take a look at adders and subtractors. These are the most basic yet important circuits that we will learn about in this digital electronics course.

Comparator – Designing 1-bit, 2-bit and 4-bit comparators using logic gates

A comparator is a combinational logic circuit that compares input bits and gives an output that indicates the equality/inequality of a digital circuit.

Multiplier – Designing of 2-bit and 3-bit binary multiplier circuits

To multiply binary digits we need a special digital circuit called a multiplier. Let’s understand some multiplication rules and design the third most important arithmetic logic circuit that we will study in this digital electronics course.

4-bit parallel adder and 4-bit parallel subtractor – designing & logic diagram

In digital electronics, if you have more than two or three bits of data to add or subtract, a full adder or a full subtractor won’t suffice. To add and subtract two four-bit numbers we use parallel adders and parallel subtractors.

Carry Look-Ahead Adder – Working, Circuit and Truth Table

Speed is always a major concern in any digital application. Addition is a very common digital operation. Carry look-ahead adders are great at fast additions.

Multiplexer and Demultiplexer – The ultimate guide

A multiplexer and a demultiplexer are two important combinational circuits important for digital data transmission. This is our one-stop guide for understanding digital multiplexer and demultiplexer circuit design, truth tables, cascading, working, applications and other FAQs.

Code Converters – Binary to Excess 3, Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary

It’s necessary to understand digital code converters to realize the importance of encoding data to fit our demands of designing logic circuits. Code converters are also an important class of digital electronics circuitry.

Priority Encoders, Encoders and Decoders – Simple explanation & designing

Digital data transmission, encryption, and compression are vital operations and are done by encoders and decoders. Let’s study their working and design.

Flip-Flops & Latches – Ultimate guide – Designing and truth tables

One of the most integral parts of modern digital electronics and gadgets is the memory. Storage is expensive. And flip-flops are the building blocks of storage.

Shift Registers – Parallel & Serial – PIPO, PISO, SISO, SIPO

In digital electronics, data needs to be moved quickly and efficiently. Shif registers are an excellent way of transporting digital data.

Counters – Synchronous, Asynchronous, up, down & Johnson ring counters

Counters perform the function of counting events in digital electronics and digital circuits. There are many types of digital counters. We will take a look at a few important ones and understand the process of designing them.

Parity Generator and Parity Checker

It’s necessary for digital signals to be error-free. Thus there must exist an error correction/detection mechanism. Using Parity bits is the easiest way.

Memories in Digital Electronics – Classification and Characteristics

The efficient storage of digital data is an evergreen field in the semiconductor digital memory industry. Let’s look at the different types of digital memories available for us to choose from.

Programmable Logic Devices – A summary of all types of PLDs

Now that you have a hang of what digital logic entails, you can understand PLDs. These devices can be ‘programmed’ to act a certain way and are the bread and butter of the modern computing world. Really interesting stuff.

Differences between TTL, CMOS, ECL and BiCMOS Logic Families: What You Need to Know

Logic families are an important aspect of designing digital ICs. Let’s take a look at the different options available to us and compare them based on their merits and demerits.

Digital Electronics Quiz | MCQs | Interview Questions

This Digital Electronics quiz has been crafted to test skills in a wide range of concepts that we have covered in this free course. Competitive exam takers will find the detailed solutions helpful. Clearing this quiz will unlock the final certification test. For detailed performance analysis, please ensure that you are logged in before attempting the quiz.

More details

What will you learn in this course?

  • Understand the fundamentals of Boolean logic
  • Differentiate between different number systems and understand their applications
  • Understand the basic components of combinational logic circuits and sequential logic circuits like logic gates and flip-flops
  • Study and design complex combinational circuits (Example: priority encoders)
  • Study and design complex sequential circuits (Example: Counters)

What is the target of this course?

Digital electronics is a core course that is essential for you to progress to other higher-level courses in the field of electronics. Once you have completed this digital electronics course, you can opt for a variety of disciplines depending on your career choices. At Technobyte, we use concepts from this course in our tracks on Embedded Systems, IoT, VLSI, and Robotics.

How many quizzes are there in this course?

There’s one free quiz. We will be launching a certifying quiz shortly.

What’s the course structure like?

  • Introduction to digital electronics and digital systems
  • Number systems
    • Conversion between number systems
  • Logic Gates
  • Introduction to Combinational circuits
    • Adders and Subtractors
    • Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
    • Encoders and Decoders
    • Comparators
  • Introduction to Sequential Circuits
    • Latches
    • Flip-Flops
    • Counters (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
    • Shift-registers
  • Error detection
    • Parity generators and Parity checkers
  • Types of digital memory devices
  • Types of Programmable Logic Devices
  • Types of logic families
  • Quiz 1
  • Certification test (Coming soon)

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